Sunday, August 8, 2010

Taking the Leap

Talk about stepping outside a comfort zone!  I find myself smiling as I begin this adventure.  Here I am, the person who in my business world encourages thousands of people to take risks, step outside your comfort zone, try new things feeling uncomfortable simply because I don't have a clue what I'm doing!  Guess I'll figure it out and learn from others as I go!

I'm actually starting this at the urging of a very dear friend.  She seems to think that I have a unique perspective on things as a result of my life experiences and the way I view the world.  I guess there's something to that.  I don't personally think I'm all that different - sure I have purple hair, but your haircolor doesn't make you who you are.  It certainly makes a statement about you, but it isn't who you are. (I'll talk about the decision to go purple in another entry.) I simply find myself wanting to share thoughts and perspectives with the hope that maybe someone will read one and it will have meaning for them. I don't pretend to be brilliant or to have all the answers.  I would just love to make a difference in someone's life, even if I never know of that difference.

So, I'm going to give this blog thing a try!  I figure, I love to talk and I love to write, so why not combine the two?  I'll just talk to myself and write it as I do!  I won't disturb anyone but my pugs - Samson, Sweetie, Jewels, Sherman and Tug - and they really don't give a rip!  They'll just lift their heads, give me a dirty look for waking them, and go back to sleep!  That's the life I want!  Anyway ... thanks for reading.  I hope you enjoy what you see. I'm going to have some fun doing this, hope you'll stay tuned!


  1. Awesome! And I made the top 5! lol I started one a year ago... and well... what can I say... I STARTED one a year ago. Maybe I'll go type on that today. Can't wait for all that you share. : )

  2. Way to put those talents to work! Will look forward to the many ponderings of Pam! Maybe your dear friend will convince you to write those children's books you've dreamed of writing! You could have a series written before baby Michael welcomes the world!

  3. To rrector2 - Welcoming Baby Michael will truly be a miracle, writing books for him would be nothing short of a second dream come true!

  4. Pam--You have been such an inspiration to me and your blog is just a bonus! Thank you for all of the encouragement and knowledge you have shared with me. You are the best!

  5. Pam - you are such a blessing in my life - and the lives of hundreds of others. Reading all of your blogs was the perfect end to a busy busy day. Your blog page will have to be a daily stop for me - can't wait for what is in store!

  6. And you accused me of being the one who talked to myself. Not only did you admit to doing it also, but you are going to write it down for the world to see. I love it! Count me as a follower.
